Quenching Explained – Definition, Process, Benefits and More

Quenching Explained – Definition, Process, Benefits and More

热处理过程are crucial to obtain desired properties from different metals and make them suitable for various applications通过热处理,可以改变许多机械性能而不会改变金属的化学成分。



Quenching is a rapid cooling process that alters specific properties of materials by manipulating the cooling rate. The material is heated above the recrystallisation temperature but below the melting point to allow grain restructuring followed by controlled cooling to a predetermined temperature.

在淬火期间加热碳钢的温度可以从iron-carbon phase diagram。For hypoeutectic steels (0,2…0,8% C) it is 30-50°C over Ac3 and for hypereutectic steels (C > 0,8%) over 30-50°C over Ac1.

ferrite + pearlite turns to austenite when heated and into martensite when rapidly cooled

The intention of quenching is to transform the austenitic phase into martensite, which is an exceptionally hard phase of steel. To achieve this, the material is exposed to a cooling media and the cooling time is reduces.


总的来说,淬火过程会导致增加hardness and reduced ductility of the material. But the brittleness also increases and thus, to avoid unwanted side effects such as cracking and distortion, choosing a suitable cooling rate is essential.

淬火和tempering processesare often used in sequence to restore some of the lost ductility and reduce hardness to suitable levels. Tempering also reduces brittleness.


When Is Quenching Used?



Quenching Process

quenching steel in oil

The quenching process may happen in one of two ways: spray quenching or bath quenching.


The bath quenching process is, however, more common. In bath quenching, the material to be cooled is placed in a bath of liquid or gas. As the quenchant surrounds the material, it is rapidly cooled.

But even this rapid cooling occurs at different rates from the time quenching begins until it ends. Let us look at these different stages in the next section.


During the bath quenching process, the material undergoes three distinct cooling stages. These stages are:

  • 蒸气阶段

  • 沸腾阶段

  • 对流阶段


As soon as the material is placed in the quenching media, the vapour stage begins. Since the temperature of the hot material is above the boiling point of the quenching media, the media turns to vapour and thus, a stable vapour blanket is formed around the material.



我n the boiling stage, the vapour blanket stops forming. The cooling medium comes into contact with the metal surface, but since the metal is still above the quenchant’s boiling point, it evaporates and rises.




This stage has the lowest heat transfer rates. This is also the stage where the distortion of the material occurs.

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We can choose from the following quenching media:

  • Air

  • Oil

  • 淡水

  • Brine (salt water)

  • 聚合物


Air isn’t too popular when it comes to quenching but in some cases, it is still used. It takes the longest time among all media to cool down a metal part. With this method, forced air flows over the metal surface and absorbs its heat.

Forced air cools faster than still air and may either be provided through a compressed air source or through various mechanical means such as a fan. The rate of cooling depends on the air pressure and the exposed area of the part.

空qeende材料可以更高地控制冷却速率和最终硬度。他们也有更好mechanical properties。但是,由于冷却速率较低,与其他淬火介质相比,硬度水平较低。





Quenching oils are highly versatile and adjustable depending on the application. Nowadays, the most common quenching oil is mineral oil.


我n this method, the heated metal is immersed in a water bath. Cooling occurs faster than air as well as oil. Water is non-flammable which gives it an advantage over oil. It is also a cheap and pollution-free alternative.




The salts may either be nitrate-based or chlorine-based. Rapidly cooling metal in brine or salt water, however, makes it more susceptible to warping.



Benefits of Quenching

The quench-hardening process provides the following benefits:

  1. Maximumhardnessamong all heat treatment processes

  2. Retention of more beneficial crystal structure

  3. 增加韧性

  4. 更对齐的晶粒结构

  5. 增加的抵抗力wear, vibrations and abrasion.

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